Saturday, May 26, 2007

Birthday Thoughts

Today is my birthday. I am fifty-something and so excited about it. I am now eligible for the senior discount at McDonald's and IHOP. Senior discounts come at a good time in one's life - when one has Crowning Glories that enjoy both of the previously mentioned restaurants. (I wonder if Del Frisco's has senior discounts - that one is more my style!)

My birthday tradition is to read Psalms 139 and apply it to me. Did you know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (NIV) and wonderfully complex (NLT). The wonderfully complex comes as no surprise to my children - they are still trying to figure me out! (LOL!) Today something new struck me in this Psalms written for me: You place your hand of blessing on MY head (vs. 5-NLT). Who knew? All these years I thought God blessed other people and now I read that he blesses me! What an amazing God. I love Him so! I am going to walk more energetically today because God's hand is on my head blessing me.

I look forward to the next year. Heck, I look forward to the next moment. God is in control and all is well in my world. Come along with us (God and me) - enjoy the journey. Let's have a wonder-filled year. Thank you for the blessing you are in my life. Be blessed today - delight yourself in God! Praise the Lord! (I miss you, Mom!)

And let me know where else I can use senior discounts at the ripe young age of 55!

1 comment:

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

okay that cements it...I am taking you to IHOP for your birthday for sure now. Happy Birthday Mom!

Words do not express the love we have for you!